How Does Mark Nowlin Treat Hip Pain?
Working with people who have knee pain often reveals that this pain may be caused by issues in other areas. A common source of such problems is the hip. Various factors can contribute to this, including tightness in the hip muscles, which leads to altered mechanics and compensatory movements. Weakness in the hip muscles due to injury can also cause compensations during activities like running, jumping, and hiking, affecting knee function and causing pain.
As part of the treatment plan and assessment, it’s essential to evaluate the hip’s movement, strength, and mobility to ensure everything is functioning properly. If issues are identified, they can be addressed using different techniques, including manual therapies, stretching, exercises, and machines that stimulate muscles and blood flow to improve strength and mobility. This comprehensive approach Mark deploys ensures the hip functions correctly, reducing knee pain.
This pattern is frequently observed, especially among runners. For instance, a recent case involved a triathlete who developed knee pain during training. An assessment revealed hip issues, such as limitations and weaknesses, causing knee problems. Through targeted treatment, her hip function improved, alleviating the knee pain and allowing her to resume training.
This example illustrates the importance of looking beyond the knee for the root cause of pain. Addressing issues in other areas can significantly impact knee pain and overall mobility.
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